Fitting to the stereotype #teacuppuppy

I love animals and living down in London, instead of my home village of Stamford Bridge, has taken me out of the country and into a huge city - THE city. I have to admit, I do love it and my new lifestyle is completely juxtaposing to what it use to be, but I do miss a good field and the odd animal. Before, living in halls of residence I was unable to have a pet, but now I have moved out, I am looking to get a puppy.

It would be ideal if I could have a house full of animals, big and small dogs, rabbits, a cat, but I just don't have the room in my flat and I am sure my neighbours would complain. However, I think a teacup puppy would be quite fitting. Yes, I  do go to fashion school and do have a fashion blog, so yes I suppose I would be just another one of those girls with the small dog and fit to THAT stereotype, but I don't really see why I should. As there is far more to me, you just have to get to know me.

BUT LOOOK AT THESE . . . it doesn't matter what you think of puppies, these are adorable and hopefully one of them will be mine soon!


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Aimee xxx