I need a great prom dress. . .

It's that time of year again, summer is nearly here, exams an in the midst or have begun, but all I can really think about is my forth coming holiday and of course Prom. This time two years ago, was my secondary school leavers ball, aka Prom. It was a time of goodbyes and a time to start afresh with university just around the corner. Obviously, my main concern at the time wasn't if i'd passed or failed my exams, but what I should wear to such a BIG event. I decided on an Alice & Olivia puff ball dress, which admittedly, I haven't worn since. Now, I look forward to my university summer prom and those great summer evenings which call for a fabulous dress, here is a great range of prom dress by New Look that I just love.


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Aimee xxx