1. Finish my Masters course with a 1st (2016)
2. Be fluent in French and Italian
3. Own my own business (I haven't quite thought what it will be, but I'm hoping a boutique)
4. Be a famous fashion blogger like Coco's Tea Party or Bip Ling
5. Get into presenting
6. Own my own house (or at least have put the deposit down)
7. Be working on my own clothing line
8. Be the happiest I have ever been
9. Surround myself with good friends, family and appreciate everything life throws at me
10. Travel to Thailand, around Europe and the Caribbean Islands
11. Spend some time living in Italy
12. Have a puppy
All by the age of 24
What is your five year plan?
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Thank you for all your comments, I will endeavour to reply back to you all, but for a quicker response tweet me on @Aimee_Victoria
Aimee xxx