So dolls, we're back to see how Michelle Lewin Trains and supplements her diet. Earlier on in the week we looked into her meal plan, her key to success is a little and often - spreading her calorie intake over 7 meals during the day.
Monday: Back/Biceps
- Chin Ups (Wide Grip) 4×12
- Chin Ups (Normal Grip) 4×10
- Row Machine 4×12
- T-Bar Rows 4×12
- Dumbbell Curls 6×12
- EZ Bar Curls 4×12
- Straight Bar Cable Curls 4×12
- Lying Leg Curls 4×12
- Seated Leg Curls 4×12
- Deadlifts 4×10-15
- Seated Calf Raises 8×20
- Standing Calf Raises (Smith Machine) 6×20
- Standing Dumbbell Tricep Extensions 6×12
- Skull Crushers EZ Bar 4 X 12
- Rope Overhead Cable Extensions 4×12
- Military Press 4×10
- Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3×10
- Upright Rows with EZ Bar 4×12
- Side Lateral Raises 4×10
- Off
- Lunges 4×12
- Good Mornings 6×20
- Leg Press (Single Leg) 4×15 (Each Leg)
- Squats 4×12
- Hanging Knee Raises 4×12
- Crunches 4×20
- Crunch Machine 4×12
- Crunches On Ball 4×20
- Off
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Aimee xxx