It's festival season and I just CAN NOT WAIT to go to one, not going to lie, I haven't bought a ticket to one this year as of yet, but I definitely will! I have only entered into the world of Leeds Fest, considering it's only forty minutes from my house, it's an easy option and usually has a great line up. I went back in 2010 and 2011 and here are just a few pictures from the event. When I'm there I love to go all about and be so sterotypical #festivalchich - whip out the Hunter, denim shorts, face paint and daisy headband!
Customising clothes is so key when it comes to festivals, I've jumped on the #boohooDIY bandwagon to join in the fun of creating a festival look. One item I love wearing is maxi-dresses, so let's hope it's going to get hotter again. I've kept it quite simple in choice, a plain vest strap maxi and covered it in jewels. I decided to keep the jewels in a colour pattern and around the colour to try and embrace a tribal/boho aesthetic and channel MSGM pieces. Let me know what you think and tweet/instagram me your creation - remember to share them with boohoo as well - @boohoo (twitter) @boohooofficial (instagram).
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Aimee xxx