What to buy a man who has everything #boyfideas

With Valentine’s Day just having been and gone, it seems that there isn’t a day to properly treat your other half. Sometimes it can be difficult to come up with ideas when you man has everything, but I think I’ve got an idea…
Something that every guy would like would be a new pair of shoes. It seems that Men’s shoes are becoming a lot more popular these days, and here are a few styles that I think are really big at the minute.

The Wingtip Brogue
The wingtip brogue is back with a passion. The square tipped shoes of the 2000’s are dead in the water and you other half will definitely commend you on your choice if you buy him some wing tips. Ryan Gosling in ‘Drive’ wears wingtips and they remind me of Southern US fashion.
Some like this would be a great addition to any bloke’s wardrobe. See more brogues at House of Fraser

The Boat Shoe
The boat style has been around for a little while now, and it will be a big hit this summer. Remember to try and find some that stand out as they are very common now, and finding a stand out pair may not be so easy.
They are also great for the beach, and those summer holidays that you have booked will come around quickly, so get prepared.

The Sandal
Sandals usually remind me of old men with socks on at the same time. This is bad. However, more recently certain styles have started to appear which look a lot better!
For the spring and summer, a decent pair of sandals can look spot on and go with pretty much any outfit.
So if you are looking for something to buy your other half, remember you can’t go wrong with a decent pair of shoes! He will love you forever.


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Aimee xxx