Pritch London #Openingparty

The other night I was lucky enough to be invited to Pritch's lovely evening. To kick off London Fashion Week with a bang, us bloggers behind Handpicked Media got together to enjoy champers and fabulous leather jackets. Pritch is a London based label that offers an edgy yet chic aesthetic, combining  two great young minds has led to the development of super cool leather jackets and rock 'n' roll shoes.


  1. Wow what an amazing experience I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty jealous! Haha

    Jacqueline xx

  2. Wow what an amazing experience I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty jealous! Haha

    Jacqueline xx


Thank you for all your comments, I will endeavour to reply back to you all, but for a quicker response tweet me on @Aimee_Victoria

Aimee xxx